Here's two bands that use the same word twice as their name. It's almost a trend piece!
On Django Django's MySpace page under Influences, the band has put up thumbnails of 168 albums including The Beach Boys' Smiley Smile, the first Fun Boy 3 LP, the Blade Runner soundtrack and the Beta Band's Hot Shots II. The latter's influence is pretty hard to miss: the vocals and harmonies are reminiscent of Steve Mason's, there's an air of mystery around the quartet and clearly their sound might best be described as "Funky Cuisinart." But DD are definitely doing their own thing, and are quite good at it. I spent most of a recent morning with the five songs on their MySpace on repeat. Still unsigned, the band did self-release a single last summer -- a double-A-side with two fantastic songs. "Storm" is the more Beta-ish one with it's chanty chorus and herky jerky house vibe. But I think I might like the hypnotic clip-cloppy "Love's Dart" more and wish it would go on three times longer than it does.
MP3: Django Django - Love's Dart
The band are also skilled DJs and remixers and have a blog where they regularly post "midnight maxi mixes" full of obscure and not so obscure dance music... no tracklists though.
I first heard Everything Everything's single "My Kz Yr Bf" on BBC 6Music last summer and was so taken by it's bonkers-ness that I wrote it down on a scrap of paper that I promptly lost. Their name a bit hard to google it even if you can remember their name, which I didn't. I came across the song again six months later and made a point to remember it this time. Great story, right? Despite a title that makes me cringe to type, "My Kz Yr Bf" is pretty briliant widescreen pop, that is sort of like a clash of ABC and Muse. I realize that description is sounds like some people's worst nightmare so take it as an invitation or warning. No album yet for these guys but there are a couple singles out, including the not-as-good-but-still-worth-hearing "Photoshop Handsome."
MP3: Everything Everything - My Kz Ur Bf
Both Django Django and Everything Everything will be heading to SXSW in Austin next month, and I hear rumors that DD will make a stop in NYC on the way down or way back. After the jump, the video for "My Kz Ur Bf" and another classic double vid.
On Django Django's MySpace page under Influences, the band has put up thumbnails of 168 albums including The Beach Boys' Smiley Smile, the first Fun Boy 3 LP, the Blade Runner soundtrack and the Beta Band's Hot Shots II. The latter's influence is pretty hard to miss: the vocals and harmonies are reminiscent of Steve Mason's, there's an air of mystery around the quartet and clearly their sound might best be described as "Funky Cuisinart." But DD are definitely doing their own thing, and are quite good at it. I spent most of a recent morning with the five songs on their MySpace on repeat. Still unsigned, the band did self-release a single last summer -- a double-A-side with two fantastic songs. "Storm" is the more Beta-ish one with it's chanty chorus and herky jerky house vibe. But I think I might like the hypnotic clip-cloppy "Love's Dart" more and wish it would go on three times longer than it does.
MP3: Django Django - Love's Dart
The band are also skilled DJs and remixers and have a blog where they regularly post "midnight maxi mixes" full of obscure and not so obscure dance music... no tracklists though.
I first heard Everything Everything's single "My Kz Yr Bf" on BBC 6Music last summer and was so taken by it's bonkers-ness that I wrote it down on a scrap of paper that I promptly lost. Their name a bit hard to google it even if you can remember their name, which I didn't. I came across the song again six months later and made a point to remember it this time. Great story, right? Despite a title that makes me cringe to type, "My Kz Yr Bf" is pretty briliant widescreen pop, that is sort of like a clash of ABC and Muse. I realize that description is sounds like some people's worst nightmare so take it as an invitation or warning. No album yet for these guys but there are a couple singles out, including the not-as-good-but-still-worth-hearing "Photoshop Handsome."
MP3: Everything Everything - My Kz Ur Bf
Both Django Django and Everything Everything will be heading to SXSW in Austin next month, and I hear rumors that DD will make a stop in NYC on the way down or way back. After the jump, the video for "My Kz Ur Bf" and another classic double vid.
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