Hey look -- it's a Summer Fridays mix that's actually up on Friday!
Please note the non-sucky cover art this time, courtesy my friend Kate. Not sure why there is a turtle in the sky. (Would you like to contribute to a future mix? Drop me a line.) French artists on this mix are there so the "Quatre" part makes some kind of sense.
As for themes, there isn't one...though there are a whole lot of songs with "girl" in the title. Not on purpose.
Download Summer Fridays Quatre.
1. Katerine - Mon Coeur Balance
2. Kelley Stoltz - To Speak to the Girl
3. Galaxie 500 - Parking Lot
4. The Soundtrack of Our Lives - Sister Surround
5. Tiger - On the Rose
6. Stereolab - Miss Modular
7. Bertrand Burgalat w/ Robert Wyatt - This Summer Night
8. Cut Off Your Hands - Oh Girl
9. Sic Alps - Message from the Law
10. The Rolling Stones - The Last Time
11. The Modern Lovers - The Old World
12. Hefner - Christian Girls
13. Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin - Glue Girls
14. Urge Overkill - Bottle of Fur
15. The Jazz Butcher - Southern Mark Smith
16. Billy Nichols - Girl from New York
17. The Girls - Lust for Life
18. The Legendary Jim Ruiz Group - The Urban Gentleman
19. Esser - I Love You
As always: This in an actual mix, the songs segue together despite being separate tracks... so no shuffle, please! This mix will be available for one week only.
Wonderful! Great cd cover, great songs!
Posted by: Christian | Friday, July 18, 2008 at 05:13 PM
Man, how I love "Bottle of Fur." That whole album was good - I still get "Heaven 90210" stuck in my head all the time.
Posted by: jeffk | Friday, July 18, 2008 at 06:00 PM
it's obviously a super rare flying turtle, duh.
Posted by: kate | Friday, July 18, 2008 at 07:25 PM
I've been loving your summer fridays! I have a "Harvey" folder in my playlists now full of them. Thanks :-)
Posted by: liz | Saturday, July 19, 2008 at 11:49 AM