When not busy making orgasm faces while playing awesome guitar in Montreal's The Dears, Patrick Krief makes his own kind of music. Not that different than the anthemic sounds of his day job, just a bit dreamier and a bit less bombastic. His debut, Take it or Leave, is quite lovely, just the sort of thing you want to listen to while making breakfast. Here are a couple MP3s...
MP3: Krief - Black Empty Hearts
MP3: Krief - What We Wanted
Patrick is in town all this week with his solo band (including fill-loving Dears drummer George Donosso) promoting Take it or Leave, and touring with fellow Canadians Uncut. (Fans of Swervedriver and the JAMC will want to check them out too. Stream the album here.) Have a free evening between Tuesday and Saturday? There's a Patrick Krief / Uncut show for you.
Patrick Krief w/ Uncut NYC Tour Dates
7.17 The Mercury Lounge
7.18 Maxwell's
7.19 Club Midway
7.20 Union Hall
7.21 Soundfix (8PM Free Show)
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