UPDATE: No openers, Franz Ferdinand go on at 9:30.
I haven't seen Franz Ferdinand since the last time they played Bowery Ballroom -- back in February 2004. They jumped to much bigger venues after the release of their debut and, after seeing them at Bowery, Northsix (best show!), Mercury Lounge, and Pianos (yes, I was there, not to sound like James Murphy), I has no desire to see them at somewhere as big as Hammerstein or Roseland. I didn't see them at all on You Could Have it So Much Better, which I actually kind of felt bad about. It suffers from Sophomore Slump Syndrome, but there are good songs on there. Underrated I would even say.
Needless to say, I am super-psyched to see them on Wednesday. It seemed logical this small show would be a testing ground for the third album, and after reading this Guardian review of their show Friday night at Glasgow's Grand Ole Opry, pretty much confirms what we have to look forward to. Actually, it's a bit hyperbolic. A sample quote:
So it is a complete shock when Kapranos croons the opening of English Goodbye over nothing but electric piano, smokily doing his best Bryan Ferry impression. The words send a chill up your spine: "'You need a new kind of thrill,' you said to me, 'so I feel alive. You know I'll do anything.'" The desperation feels deliciously real.
The praise goes on. I will not be overhyped but I am ready to feel the desperation. Tea with Tufty was at the Grand Ole Opry show and bootlegged the whole thing, and offers it up for your pleasure here. I like it when during the synth intro to "Turn it On" Alex says, "This one's for Rick Wakeman." Here's the setlist (new songs asterisked), and I've included a few MP3s for some of the new ones:
Anyone in Love*
Walk Away
Shopping for Blood
Dark of the Matinee
A New Thrill*
Take Me Out
English Goodbye* (MP3)
The Fallen
40 Ft
Favourite Lie*
Turn it On* (MP3)
And if you didn't get tickets, go see the Rakes.
Turn it On really caught my attention here. That sounds like it could be another hit for them.
Posted by: waffles | Thursday, June 14, 2007 at 10:31 AM